In ts-morph, structures represent the abstract syntax trees of source files and their descendant nodes… at least partially. If you have a structure, you can create an equivalent node from it.
methods on every structure class and type structure class.toJSON()
methods for easy serialization (think workers or child processes)If you have an existing ts-morph structure, and you want to create a structure class instance, each structure class has a static .clone()
method. Just pass in your structure as the first argument, and it will return a new structure class object.
Often you won’t need the kind
const doc = JSDocImpl.clone({
description: "Hello World";
doc.tags.push(new JSDocTagImpl("internal"));
Many ts-morph nodes have a getStructure()
method on them - which return raw ts-morph structure objects. This project uses getStructure()
as a starting point to bootstrap to the full structure class instances.
* Get a structure for a node, with type structures installed throughout its descendants.
* @param rootNode - The node to start from.
* @param userConsole - a callback for conversion failures.
* @param assertNoFailures - if true, assert there are no conversion failures.
* @returns the root structure, and any failures during recursion.
declare function getTypeAugmentedStructure(
rootNode: NodeWithStructures,
userConsole: TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole,
assertNoFailures: boolean
): RootStructureWithConvertFailures;
* Get a structure for a node, with type structures installed throughout its descendants.
* @param rootNode - The node to start from.
* @param userConsole - a callback for conversion failures.
* @param assertNoFailures - if true, assert there are no conversion failures.
* @param kind - the expected structure kind to retrieve.
* @returns the root structure, and any failures during recursion.
declare function getTypeAugmentedStructure<TKind extends StructureKind>(
rootNode: NodeWithStructures,
userConsole: TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole,
assertNoFailures: boolean,
kind: TKind
): RootStructureWithConvertFailures<TKind>;
interface NodeWithStructures extends Node {
getStructure(): Structures;
* @param message - The failure message.
* @param failingTypeNode - the type node we failed to resolve.
type TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole = (
message: string,
failingTypeNode: TypeNode,
) => void;
declare function VoidTypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole(
message: string,
failingTypeNode: TypeNode
): void;
interface RootStructureWithConvertFailures<
TKind extends StructureKind = StructureKind,
rootStructure: Extract<StructureImpls, KindedStructure<TKind>>;
failures: readonly BuildTypesForStructureFailures[];
interface BuildTypesForStructureFailures {
message: string;
failingTypeNode: TypeNode;
All of these are exports from "ts-morph-structures"
is a callback function for when ts-morph-structures might fail to convert a value. (If it does, please file a bug.)assertNoFailures
will cause te conversion to throw an exception if any conversion fails, recursively.kind
argument will force a check against the node you pass in for a matching syntax kind, and assert the returned structure is of the kind you pass in.rootStructure
of the getTypeAugmentedStructure()
output.Where you see a structure (where the name ends with Structure
), there is an equivalent structure implementation class (where the name ends with Impl
). For example:
// simplified for readability
declare class ClassDeclarationImpl {
static clone(source: OptionalKind<ClassDeclarationStructure>): ClassDeclarationImpl;
readonly kind: StructureKind.Class;
name?: string | undefined;
readonly leadingTrivia: (string | WriterFunction)[];
readonly trailingTrivia: (string | WriterFunction)[];
readonly decorators: DecoratorStructureImpl[];
readonly docs: (string | JSDocStructureImpl)[];
hasDeclareKeyword: boolean;
isAbstract: boolean;
isDefaultExport: boolean;
isExported: boolean;
readonly typeParameters: (string | TypeParameterDeclarationStructureImpl)[];
readonly ctors: ConstructorDeclarationImpl[] = []
readonly getAccessors: GetAccessorDeclarationImpl[] = []
readonly methods: MethodDeclarationImpl[] = [];
readonly properties: PropertyDeclarationImpl[] = []
readonly setAccessors: SetAccessorDeclarationImpl[] = [];
get extends(): stringOrWriterFunction | undefined;
set extends(value: stringOrWriterFunction | undefined);
get extendsStructure(): TypeStructures | undefined;
set extendsStructure(value: TypeStructures | undefined);
get implements(): stringOrWriterFunction[];
readonly implementsSet: TypeStructureSet;
toJSON(): StructureClassToJSON<ClassDeclarationImpl>;
So if I import ClassDeclarationImpl
and call new ClassDeclarationImpl
, all these fields are immediately available and well-defined.
Some of the structure classes have constructors to initialize required fields.
Generally speaking, where you have a single type field:
const method = new MethodSignatureDeclarationImpl("foo");
method.returnTypeStructure = LiteralTypeStructureImpl.get("boolean");
console.log(method.returnType); // writes "boolean", without the quotes.
Where you have an array of type structures (specifically, ClassDeclarationImpl::implements
and InterfaceDeclarationImpl::extends
), there are some special rules:
(string | WriterFunction)[]
to control indexed access.So how do you modify the array of types?
These classes also provide type structure sets, in ClassDeclarationImpl::implementsSet
and InterfaceDeclarationImpl::extendsSet
, respectively. Each of these is a TypeStructuresSet object: a Set<TypeStructures>
with a couple extra methods:
cloneFromTypeStructureSet(other: TypeStructureSet): void;
replaceFromTypeArray(array: (string | WriterFunction)[]): void;
So you can just call classDecl.implementsSet.add(typeStructure);
, and it will update classDecl.implements
for you.
As for the type structure classes themselves, see the guide on type structures.
First, read ts-morph’s “setting with structure” documentation.
Each structure class instance should correctly implement a Structure
… if it doesn’t, file a bug on this project!