
Structure Classes

In ts-morph, structures represent the abstract syntax trees of source files and their descendant nodes… at least partially. If you have a structure, you can create an equivalent node from it.

Philosophy of the structure classes

Converting from existing structures

If you have an existing ts-morph structure, and you want to create a structure class instance, each structure class has a static .clone() method. Just pass in your structure as the first argument, and it will return a new structure class object.

Often you won’t need the kind field.


const doc = JSDocImpl.clone({
  description: "Hello World";

doc.tags.push(new JSDocTagImpl("internal"));

Creating from existing nodes

Many ts-morph nodes have a getStructure() method on them - which return raw ts-morph structure objects. This project uses getStructure() as a starting point to bootstrap to the full structure class instances.

 * Get a structure for a node, with type structures installed throughout its descendants.
 * @param rootNode - The node to start from.
 * @param userConsole - a callback for conversion failures.
 * @param assertNoFailures - if true, assert there are no conversion failures.
 * @returns the root structure, and any failures during recursion.
declare function getTypeAugmentedStructure(
  rootNode: NodeWithStructures,
  userConsole: TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole,
  assertNoFailures: boolean
): RootStructureWithConvertFailures;

 * Get a structure for a node, with type structures installed throughout its descendants.
 * @param rootNode - The node to start from.
 * @param userConsole - a callback for conversion failures.
 * @param assertNoFailures - if true, assert there are no conversion failures.
 * @param kind - the expected structure kind to retrieve.
 * @returns the root structure, and any failures during recursion.
declare function getTypeAugmentedStructure<TKind extends StructureKind>(
  rootNode: NodeWithStructures,
  userConsole: TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole,
  assertNoFailures: boolean,
  kind: TKind
): RootStructureWithConvertFailures<TKind>;

interface NodeWithStructures extends Node {
  getStructure(): Structures;

 * @param message - The failure message.
 * @param failingTypeNode - the type node we failed to resolve.
type TypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole = (
  message: string,
  failingTypeNode: TypeNode,
) => void;

declare function VoidTypeNodeToTypeStructureConsole(
  message: string,
  failingTypeNode: TypeNode
): void;

interface RootStructureWithConvertFailures<
  TKind extends StructureKind = StructureKind,
  rootStructure: Extract<StructureImpls, KindedStructure<TKind>>;
  failures: readonly BuildTypesForStructureFailures[];

interface BuildTypesForStructureFailures {
  message: string;
  failingTypeNode: TypeNode;

All of these are exports from "ts-morph-structures":

Creating from scratch

Where you see a structure (where the name ends with Structure), there is an equivalent structure implementation class (where the name ends with Impl). For example:

// simplified for readability
declare class ClassDeclarationImpl {
  static clone(source: OptionalKind<ClassDeclarationStructure>): ClassDeclarationImpl;

  readonly kind: StructureKind.Class;
  name?: string | undefined;

  readonly leadingTrivia: (string | WriterFunction)[];
  readonly trailingTrivia: (string | WriterFunction)[];

  readonly decorators: DecoratorStructureImpl[];
  readonly docs: (string | JSDocStructureImpl)[];
  hasDeclareKeyword: boolean;
  isAbstract: boolean;
  isDefaultExport: boolean;
  isExported: boolean;
  readonly typeParameters: (string | TypeParameterDeclarationStructureImpl)[];

  readonly ctors: ConstructorDeclarationImpl[] = []
  readonly getAccessors: GetAccessorDeclarationImpl[] = []
  readonly methods: MethodDeclarationImpl[] = [];
  readonly properties: PropertyDeclarationImpl[] = []
  readonly setAccessors: SetAccessorDeclarationImpl[] = [];

  get extends(): stringOrWriterFunction | undefined;
  set extends(value: stringOrWriterFunction | undefined);
  get extendsStructure(): TypeStructures | undefined;
  set extendsStructure(value: TypeStructures | undefined);

  get implements(): stringOrWriterFunction[];
  readonly implementsSet: TypeStructureSet;

  toJSON(): StructureClassToJSON<ClassDeclarationImpl>;

So if I import ClassDeclarationImpl and call new ClassDeclarationImpl, all these fields are immediately available and well-defined.

Some of the structure classes have constructors to initialize required fields.

Accessing type structures from existing structures

Generally speaking, where you have a single type field:


const method = new MethodSignatureDeclarationImpl("foo");
method.returnTypeStructure = LiteralTypeStructureImpl.get("boolean");
console.log(method.returnType); // writes "boolean", without the quotes.

Where you have an array of type structures (specifically, ClassDeclarationImpl::implements and InterfaceDeclarationImpl::extends), there are some special rules:

So how do you modify the array of types?

These classes also provide type structure sets, in ClassDeclarationImpl::implementsSet and InterfaceDeclarationImpl::extendsSet, respectively. Each of these is a TypeStructuresSet object: a Set<TypeStructures> with a couple extra methods:

So you can just call classDecl.implementsSet.add(typeStructure);, and it will update classDecl.implements for you.

As for the type structure classes themselves, see the guide on type structures.

Feeding back to ts-morph

First, read ts-morph’s “setting with structure” documentation.

Each structure class instance should correctly implement a Structure… if it doesn’t, file a bug on this project!