ArrayTypeStructureImpl |
boolean[] |
CallSignatureDeclarationImpl |
ClassDeclarationImpl |
ClassFieldStatementsMap |
<p>This is a map for specifying statements across several class members for a single class field.</p><p>For example, a field may require statements for: - defining a getter and/or a setter - initializing in a constructor - implementing a .toJSON() method</p><p>The field name specifies which field the statements are about. The statement group specifies where the statements go (what method, or an initializer).</p><p>Special field keys: ClassFieldStatementsMap.FIELD_HEAD_SUPER_CALL: These statements will appear at the head of the statement block. ClassFieldStatementsMap.FIELD_TAIL_FINAL_RETURN: These statements will appear at the tail of the statement block.</p><p>Special statement group keys: ClassFieldStatementsMap.GROUP_INITIALIZER_OR_PROPERTY: This represents an initializer for a property, or a value reference for a getter or setter. Field keys will have get or set stripped from them for this group key. Statement arrays for this group key should contain exactly one statement, and should be just a string.</p> |
ClassMembersMap |
A map for class methods, properties, accessors and a constructor. This doesn’t replace ClassDeclarationImpl , rather, it _feeds_ ClassDeclarationImpl . |
ClassStaticBlockDeclarationImpl |
ConditionalTypeStructureImpl |
checkType extends extendsType ? trueType : falseType |
ConstructorDeclarationImpl |
ConstructorDeclarationOverloadImpl |
ConstructSignatureDeclarationImpl |
DecoratorImpl |
EnumDeclarationImpl |
EnumMemberImpl |
ExportAssignmentImpl |
ExportDeclarationImpl |
ExportManager |
This manages export declarations and specifiers, for including in a source file. |
ExportSpecifierImpl |
FunctionDeclarationImpl |
FunctionDeclarationOverloadImpl |
FunctionTypeStructureImpl |
(“new” | “get” | “set” | “”) name(parameters, ...restParameter) ("=>" | ":" ) returnType |
GetAccessorDeclarationImpl |
ImportAttributeImpl |
ImportDeclarationImpl |
ImportManager |
This manages import declarations and specifiers, for including in a source file. |
ImportSpecifierImpl |
ImportTypeStructureImpl |
IndexedAccessTypeStructureImpl |
IndexSignatureDeclarationImpl |
InferTypeStructureImpl |
InterfaceDeclarationImpl |
IntersectionTypeStructureImpl |
JSDocImpl |
JSDocTagImpl |
JsxAttributeImpl |
JsxElementImpl |
JsxSelfClosingElementImpl |
JsxSpreadAttributeImpl |
LiteralTypeStructureImpl |
Literals (boolean, number, string, void, etc.), without quotes, brackets, or anything else around them. Leaf nodes. |
MappedTypeStructureImpl |
{ readonly [key in keyof Foo]: boolean } |
MemberedObjectTypeStructureImpl |
Properties, methods, getters, setters, and index signatures. Very much like interfaces. Usually in type aliases. |
MemberedTypeToClass |
Convert type members to a class members map, including statements. |
MethodDeclarationImpl |
MethodDeclarationOverloadImpl |
MethodSignatureImpl |
ModuleDeclarationImpl |
NumberTypeStructureImpl |
Numbers (boolean, number, string, void, etc.), without quotes, brackets, or anything else around them. Leaf nodes. |
ParameterDeclarationImpl |
ParameterTypeStructureImpl |
Just a parameter name and type for a FunctionTypeStructureImpl . |
ParenthesesTypeStructureImpl |
Wrap the child type in parentheses. |
PrefixOperatorsTypeStructureImpl |
("..." | "keyof" | "typeof" | "readonly" | "unique")[] (object type) |
PropertyAssignmentImpl |
PropertyDeclarationImpl |
PropertySignatureImpl |
QualifiedNameTypeStructureImpl |
SetAccessorDeclarationImpl |
ShorthandPropertyAssignmentImpl |
SourceFileImpl |
SpreadAssignmentImpl |
StringTypeStructureImpl |
Strings, encased in double quotes. Leaf nodes. |
TemplateLiteralTypeStructureImpl |
one${"A" | "B"}two${"C" | "D"}three |
TupleTypeStructureImpl |
TypeAliasDeclarationImpl |
TypeArgumentedTypeStructureImpl |
This resolves type parameters, as opposed to defining them. |
TypeMembersMap |
A map for members of InterfaceDeclarationImpl and MemberedObjectTypeStructureImpl . This doesn’t replace the structures, rather it _feeds_ them. |
TypeParameterDeclarationImpl |
TypePredicateTypeStructureImpl |
UnionTypeStructureImpl |
VariableDeclarationImpl |
VariableStatementImpl |
WriterTypeStructureImpl |
Wrappers for writer functions from external sources. Leaf nodes. |