
Navigating structure trees

Here are some tools for finding your way around.

Understand the structure API’s

Everything I have builds atop the existing Structure interface and derived interfaces from ts-morph.

You can see at a glance the existing classes’ API on a per-class basis. The class API is necessarily tighter than the interface API, for several reasons.


The ts-morph project has a forEachStructureChild() function, which works very well, as far as it goes.

Since type structures are very much an add-on to the structure hierarchy, I provide a forEachAugmentedStructureChild() export with a similar API:

declare function forEachAugmentedStructureChild<
  structureOrArray: ArrayOrValue<StructureImpls | TypeStructures>,
  callback: (child: StructureImpls | TypeStructures) => TStructure | void
): TStructure | undefined;

The rules for this function are pretty simple:

  1. If we receive an array of structures and/or type structures, call the callback on each element of the array, until the first one returns a truthy value, and return that value.
  2. If the structure is a StructureImpl, call forEachStructureChild() first. If the return value is truthy, return that value.
  3. Call the callback for each child which forEachStructureCHild() may have missed. Return the first truthy value from the callback.
    • this includes type structure children, such as typeStructure, returnTypeStructure, implementsSet, etc.

In all cases, I prefer to visit structure classes before type structure classes.

What about recursion?

Sorry, no. This is very much a shallow iterator. If ts-morph publishes documentation on a recursive version of forEachStructureChild(), I will create a similar API for these structure classes.